From Tom Willoughby-
Our January 2025 meeting had great attendance, a progress report on re-organizing, an excellent video on photo composition that introduced ideas most of us had never seen before. We finished with “Show and Tell” photos by those who roamed their neighborhoods seeking the best of Holiday Lights.
Perhaps best of all, lots of members brought in their dues for the year. Yea!
We had our best attendance since pre-COVID days. And a couple of prospective new members checking us out.
With lots of opportunities in January, let’s all get out there and get some good shots.

Farmers Market
Spreading the Word. It was great to get back to Farmers Market to show off and – most importantly – to be seen.
We had lots of viewers and even a few who may come to meetings soon. The company was great and it was definitely not hot.
The BIG Reveal – Save this Date!
Wednesday, January 29 at 5 PM.
With great ceremony, Oviedo city officials will reveal the 10 newest Oviedo Photo Club pictures to be hung at City Hall. The event will be covered by the Oviedo/Winter Springs Life Magazine.
Then, this will be tied in with the festivities planned for April 26, when the City of Oviedo will celebrate its 100th anniversary.
Many thanks to Scott and Kellie for organizing the new photos, and to Margie for setting up the public relations aspect.
Upcoming January Events
Martin Luther King Parade. Monday, January 20, @ 10am, starts at Oviedo HS and ending at Oviedo City Park. Followed immediately by the Kids Festival at the park.
Cops n Cars for Kids, Saturday, January 25 from 10 to 4 at the Oviedo Mall.
Sunshine Dance at the Y, Friday, January 31, at 7pm. Tjhese “kids” LOVE to have their pictures taken.
Some have signed on to record these events, but it’s not too late for you to join in. And don’t forget to add your photos to Zenfolio after you have “perfected” them..
Field Trip to Southern Oaks Training Center, Sorento, FL- February 22, 8 AM
Air Show Orlando, Orlando-Sanford International Airport, April 21-22
Oh, and one more thing….
The Oviedo Police Foundations has requested that we have someone at their March 8 Golf Outing to record their event. This is an outstanding organization.
It’s at Twin Rivers. I’ll plan to be there and you are invited, too. Might get a free meal out it…
Tom Willoughby