February 2025 Update

Wow! January was a busy month, with a well-attended meeting, our Farmers Market tent, the MLK Parade, the Cops n Cars for Kids auto show, the unveiling of 10 of our photos at City Hall, and the Sunshine Dance at the Y.

February should be more relaxed, with 1. meeting on Monday 2/10/25 at St. Luke’s @ 6 pm, 2. the St. Luke’s Concert on 2/15/25 @ 2 pm, and 3. our field trip to Southern Oaks Training Center on February 22 @ 8 am.

We have a small but loyal core group who have been recording events all over town. How can we get more members involved? Our trip to Southern Oaks will be a great opportunity for that. Let’s car pool for a great turn-out!

Proposed Agenda for Feb 10 Meeting

-Brief Update on Website, FB, VENMO (no PayPal).
-Financial Report & Dues Reminder
-Coming Activities & Sign-Ups
-St. Luke’s Concert, “Love & Romance”, 2/15/25.
-Southern Oaks Training Center, 25750 CR 46A, Sorrento, FL, https://www.facebook.com/SOTCharness/ 2/22/25 @ 8am.
-Ideas for Field Trips & Programs for Rich & Jerry to consider.
-A 30 minute video on Solving Lighting Challenges by Joel Sartore.
-“Show & Tell”, your 4 favorite Winter Photos or shots from January events.
-New Business you may have.

A Note about Videos

A goal is for each of us to learn more to become better photographers, whatever skill level.

The challenge is to have learning sessions where everyone can take away something new.

For now, I plan to use these videos, unless there are objections. But at some point I’d like to have club members or others have programs or demonstrations.. Let me know if you have a topic you’d like to present.

-Tom Willoughby, OPC President

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